Buy or sell USDT, ETH and BTC for cash in your city on the Garantex cryptocurrency exchange
Get instant access to various cryptocurrencies with safe and secure cash buying and selling
BuyWhat is Garantex?
World's largest cryptocurrency exchange by turnover with the ruble
Garantex Cryptocurrency Exchange has been operating since 2019 and since then has established itself as a reliable partner and one of the most convenient hubs for working with crypto in Russia. Our exchange features only thoroughly selected assets: Bitcoin and Ether, as well as stabelcoins USDT, USDC and DAI. We are the world's #1 cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume with RUB. One of our key advantages is the ability to deposit and withdraw cash roubles. Garantex offers minimal transaction fees with a flexible system: the more trade turnover - the lower the percentage per transaction. Our platform has its own P2P-platform with great liquidity, where you can conduct transactions without fear of fraud. In addition to the exchange, we have a number of services for crypto players: Academy, News Portal, Mining Pool, legal support Garantex Law.
Deposit or withdraw cash in 4 easy steps
SignupWhat do people usually buy and sell cryptocurrency for?
Why Garantex?
- Best cryptocurrency exchange by turnover with the rouble
- Security at all levels of the system
- 0% commission on cash transactions in Moscow office
- Fully functional 24 hours a day
- About 10 000 transactions on the exchange every day
- One of the best technical support in the world, 24/7
Partner's offices
Easy deposit in the regions and abroad. Register on the exchange to take advantages of partner offices.

Partner's offices
Easy deposit in the regions and abroad. Register on the exchange to take advantages of partner offices.
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